Castlefest Stories
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Vana Grimoire: Mabon
During the autumn equinox, we celebrate Mabon. Read more about it here.

Vana Grimoire: Lughnasadh
During Lughnasadh, we are grateful for the abundance we may receive from Mother Earth and reap what we have sown earlier this year.

Castlefest 2021 market: list of merchants
Shop (online) at the merchants that would have been present at Castlefest 2021. You can find the complete list here.

Castlefest 2021 cancelled
With heavy hearts we have to announce the cancellation of Castlefest 2021.

Vana Grimoire: Litha wreath
There are different ways to celebrate Litha, like decorating your home. In this blog, we explain how you can make your own Litha wreath

Creatures of Castlefest: CozaCrea
Meet the creatures that make Castlefest so special. This time: Cornelis, steampunk designer CozaCrea

Vana Grimoire: Lavendel cake
Would you like to bake something for Litha? Try this lavender cake with honey!

Vana Grimoire: Litha
During the longest day, we celebrate the Celtic festival Litha. Join us!

Creatures of Castlefest: Cindy
Meet the creatures that make Castlefest so special. This time: Cindy, an active member of the Castlefest Fanpage.

Vana Grimoire: Beltane
At the end of April, it's time for Beltane. The celebrations are filled with fire and are all about fertility and connection.

Vana Grimoire: Unicorn
The mythical unicorn is known for its healing abilities. Read more about this majestic creature in this bolg.

Vana Grimoire: Twoia
De komende tijd zullen we aandacht besteden aan de unieke beelden van Castlefest. In deze blog lees je alles over Twoia.
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