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Muziek als een grenzeloze wereld

Dayazell offers an unexpected musical journey, freely inspired by ancient and traditional repertoires from around the world. Whether sacred, animist or secular, the songs revisited by the quartet are all vibrant, dreamlike and always powerful.

“Dayazell is like this: as celestial as it is strangely anchored to the ground, summoning deep roots as much as its own milky way. Dayazell is a world, in perpetual movement, which knows no borders.” - The Spot

We sail from Scandinavia to Mongolia, via Andalusia, Greece or Armenia. If the sources of inspiration are multiple, the musical universe remains balanced and harmonious.

“Live, their music is mystical, and beneath an air of gentleness, it nonetheless remains impactful and vibrant. In each piece, the quartet diffuses this rare extra soul, which makes their words so true and sincere. We listen to them, with closed eyes, ready to follow them, in their thousand lands...” - The Spot

3 August 2025
Forest stage


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