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Geert-Jan Volp

Geert-Jan Volp (Velsen, 1990) writes passionately, a talent he discovered at primary school. From an early age he creates worlds and stories to share with friends and those near to him. During the last half of pre-university education, he uses all his free hours to write his first full novel. He then studies to become a Bachelor in Psychology. In these years he can pour his creativity into scientific writing and collaborative, narrative role-playing games. In his education and first jobs, he finds great satisfaction in discovering the stories in hard data. Measuring and knowing are one thing, but being able to tell the story behind the measured values is just as important. The miracle of new life, however, sends him in a different direction. Even more than revealing stories, Geert-Jan loves his newborn children. Geert-Jan is happily married and the father of two sons. He currently divides his time between being a family man and writing. He has a strong sense of humor and prides himself on being able to find endless puns. With his support, humor and advice, he helps others to make their own story even more beautiful.

2 August 2024

3 August 2024

4 August 2024

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