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The international Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids

Step into the world of the Druids and visit our grove “de Stenencirkel”.

We are a grove of the OBOD, the international Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids.

Druidism has 3 paths: the path of the Bard, the Ovate and the Druid.

A Bard is a musician, artist, storyteller, poet, performer.
An Ovate is a Celtic shaman, herbal expert, fortune teller, astrologer.
A Druid is a teacher, counselor and coach

If you would like to learn something about Druidism and our rituals, you are very welcome in our workshop tent at the Heidense Bende. We give several workshops, including an introduction to Druidism every day. On Friday evening we organise an eisteddfod at the campfire and on Saturday afternoon we do a Lughnasadh ritual according to Druid tradition.

You can also make an offer for the Wicker.

Are you following the Druid path and would you like to meet fellow Druids and Obodies? Then come and visit our workshop tent at the Heidensebende.

A warm greeting from under the oaks,

/|\ team Grove de Stenencirkel

OBOD Grove 'de Stenencirkel' is part of the Heathen Gang. Click here if you want to learn more about this heathen 'village' at Castlefest.


12:00 -
Druid morning meditation
14:00 -
Introduction Druidism
16:30 -
Workshop on working magically
20:30 -
Eisteddfod at the campfire (open stage for music, stories and poems)


12:00 -
Druid morning meditation
14:00 -
Introduction Druidism
16:45 -
Lughnasadh Ritual


11:00 -
Day opening of the Heathen Gang
12:00 -
Discover your inner bard
14:00 -
Introduction Druidism
16:30 -
Divination workshop “On the future”

2 August 2024

3 August 2024

4 August 2024


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