We proudly present: our own Castlefest app!
It is no secret that we have the wish to have our own festival app for a long time.
From the perspective of convenience, having information in your hand, but also from a sustainability standpoint - With an app, fewer paper program booklets and flyers are needed. So together, we make Castlefest a little greener every year.
The app
The search for the right app is certainly not easy. We explored the possibilities and finally finally found a platform that suits our needs. Over the last months, we’ve been preparing the app for you and a test panel helped us set it up as best we could.
Now it’s here! Download the Castlefest app via one of the links below:
Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.tmsqr.festival.castlefest
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/castlefest/id6504490283
We did our best to incorporate as many elements of our website and program booklet as possible. You can find all the bands, entertainment, the map and the catering menu in the app. Just like on the website, an act only becomes visible when we announce their presence on social media. So be sure to check the app again closer to the event.
TIP: At home, click through all the pages you expect to use during Castlefest. That way, they are already loaded on your phone and you can use the app during Castlefest without internet (and even in airplane mode).

Using the app
The Castlefest-app can be recognized by our logo in the icon.
When you open the app, it shows you the homepage. Here you'll find relevant news items, a countdown timer and links to our social media channels.
At the bottom of the screen is the menu:
- Home
- Map
- Time Table
- Line-up
- More
Here is the English map including the closing times of each area. The Dutch map can be found at More.

Time Table
Here are the time tables of all stages, entertainment and the Castlefest Academy. At the top right, you can change days. You also have the option to display the performances as a list, sorted by time or by location.
If you click on a programme item, you can mark it as a favourite. At that point, it will change colour in the time table and you will be notified 15 minutes before the item starts. If an act performs several times, it automatically marks the first performance as a favourite. You can choose another performance by clicking on 'Show all' and selecting the appropriate performance there.
Please mind: You will only receive notifications if you allow this through your phone's settings.
When a group has many different activities, like the Heathen Gang and the Instrument Market, you will find an overview of the times on their line-up information page.
This page works almost the same as here on our website. You see all the programme items and can filter by day and by category at the top right. If you have marked an act as a favourite, it will be at the top of your list here.

Here you will find several pages of information, like the opening hours of the festival and campsite, the shuttle bus times and how to reach us during the festival.
In addition, just like in our program booklet, there is an overview of all exhibitors listed per area and you can find out what food and drinks the caterers offer.
The app remembers where you left off on these pages, so you can easily switch between the catering and the map.
The app notifies you 15 minutes before your favourite act starts. We have found that the notifications depend on the settings on your phone. So if you don't want to miss an act, to keep an eye on the time yourself as well!
We, as Castlefest, can also send notifications through the app. This will be short messages that you can find under the bell icon on the home page. We only use this with general notifications such as the closure of the festival grounds, in case of emergencies or when there are major changes.
We look forward to using this app with you for the first time during Castlefest 2024. If this goes well, we already have plans to make the app even better in the future.
Do you have any feedback for us after using the app? Then we would love to receive it after Castlefest via info@castlefest.nl!