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Healing Tent: Shiatsu Tempel - Redbreast Robin

Do you feel pain in your body? Physical dis-ease? Emotional disbalance?

As Shiatsu therapist I’m going to help you in your healing process. I will doing this by touching you. By putting pressure with my hands, thumbs, fingers, elbows, knees or feet onto your body ánd with manipulations and stretches of your body I will support the energies within you to start circulate again, to start flowing again.

Kí = Life energie (Qi/Chi in Chinese).
EVERYTHING is energy and if it gets stuck somewhere it can cause pain, physical discomfort, unease, dis-ease or a disbalance in the mind, emotions, feelings.

With my treatment I will support you in your healing, back to balance.
Bringing the balance back in your nature, the nature that you are. And to remind you and your body of the nature in you. To move with nature, back into flexibility like a reed in the water.
Moved by the wind the reed will bow but to rise up firmly and strong after, and to stand strong again. To move along with what comes.

The literal translation of Shiatsu is 'pressure by finger(s)'.
So it means Shiatsu is a manual therapy. It uses ancient knowledge and tradition and experience of what touch and pressure on the body and the meridians can do.
Knowledge of Kí, the meridians (the energie vessels within the body), the 5 elements (Wood, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water), and also the meaning of Yin & Yang and knowledge of the deeper meanings of what 'nature' is, is at the ground level of the treatment.

I am welcoming you to my futon here in the Shiatsu Temple!

With love, Redbreast Robin :-)

2 August 2024

3 August 2024

4 August 2024

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