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Martijn Kregting

Do you want to write to live, or live to write? In the case of Martijn Kregting (1971), the answer in both cases is ‘yes’. He has been writing stories in the fantastic genre since his youth, but eventually chose to take his writing into the journalistic side to make a living - writing to live.

Still, an interview with authors Terry Pratchett (Disc World series) or Christopher Paolini (Eragon) for SF Terra magazine gives him just as much pleasure as an interview with Frans van Houten (CEO of Philips). Moreover, he learns more from it when it comes to writing as a hobby - living to write.

After several decades of regularly publishing written short stories in books and magazines in the evenings, Martijn felt it was time to take the next step. His first book with Macc - "When a Life Collides" - is the tangible result. The sequel, When Worlds Collide, is also out and the next volume is already ready. In addition, stories by Martijn can be found in Macc's various anthologies.

2 August 2024

3 August 2024

4 August 2024

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