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Sophia Drenth

In 2014, a chilling nightmare marked the beginning of the Bloedwetten series. After much hesitation, Sophia Drenth decided to follow the dreamlike visions that had stirred so much within her, as at that time she had already set aside her writing for years.

The following year, Sophia financed the publication of the first book in the series, Bloedwetten Vonnis, through a successful crowdfunding campaign. She received overwhelming support from friends and exhibitors in the festival scene.

In the years that followed, Bloedwetten grew into the vampire series of the Netherlands. In addition to the series, she wrote various prequels about secondary characters. The books received multiple awards (two Bastaard Fantasy Awards and two Indie Awards).

Since 2020, she has been writing chilling middle grade books with a humorous twist alongside her adult vampire novels.

2 August 2024

3 August 2024

4 August 2024


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