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Loell Duinn

A journey into the mythical history of the Balkans, Europe and the world

Through the sounds of forgotten instruments and ancient melodies Loell Duinn (lo-el  d^in) takes you on a journey into the mythical history of the Balkans, Europe, the World and beyond.

With no discernible genre and trendy influences, but with free creativity and timeless spirit, Loell Duinn invents their own esoteric (musical) world; connects world ethnic/folk elements with the laws of classical music through a historical vision of medieval, renaissance and baroque music as an individual mixture of contemporary and traditional.

Loell Duinn conveys his messages and stories using various "living" and "extinct" languages (and dialects) and fictional languages.

Loell Duinn consists of:

  • Olja Frolo - Vocals, percussions,
  • Alen Zarifović - Classical & acoustic guitar, percussions,
  • Goran Brezac - Drums, percussions,
  • Patrik Šćira - Keyboard, programing, accordion,
  • Ivona Kiršić - Flute, recorder, backing vocals, percussions
  • Damir Dimovski - Bass guitar, percussions.

The mystical musical journey of Loell Duinn starts in the spring of 2003. from Croatian region called Istra. First as a duo then trio, quartet, quintet until it becomes a "rich" sextet and, as such, performs at many concert venues and festivals like Wave & Gotik Treffen in Germany, Dark Bombastic Evening in Romania and our own Castlefest in the Netherlands among many other European festivals.

Meaning of Loell Duinn

The word Loell (pronounced lo-ell) as such does not exist in any modern language. We have invented it as a symbol of all that is Divine in physical and spiritual world. To “forge it” we made use of the following terms:

*LAEL (*old Testament name, masculine, with significance “of God” ("belonging to God")) (Num. 3:24)*LAEL (*Gaelic- old Welsh name, feminine meaning „little flower of GodLUELL, LEWELLA (also a Gaelic compound, means „beautiful light“)

We make usage of the word Duinn (pronounced d ˆ inn) as a counterbalance for Loell representing the umbrageous side of the existence (being). It derives from Celtic mythology as:

DONN (mythical figure in Irish literature and folklore, a God whose name means “darkness ” is described as an aloof god, who does not like to keep company with any of the other deities. The deity Donn lives on an island called The House of Donn (Teach Duinn) the place where the souls of the dead assemble to take their journey to the other world)

DUN, DUNN (adjective describing a "dingy brown”, dark colour) DU, DDU (Welsh adjective for „black“)

Conclusion: We use this name to describe differentiation and duality that surrounds us in all the methods and principles of life and living, and as such symbolises and describes the beauty of a supreme being whose existence embodies the enchantment of beingness.

2 August 2024
Village stage


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