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Rik Raven

Rik Raven was born in the turbulent sixties, in Eersel. She now lives in the sweltering southern town of Reusel, on the border with Belgium.

She writes the stories she’d most like to read herself: stories that take place in our world, but in which nothing is as it should be; but also thrillers with a troubled protagonist, who solves a mystery in which he finds the answers; and poems and poetic texts.

In 2011 she published the surrealistic thriller Bron, the following year in 2012 the occult thriller Zucht, in 2015 came Recht, which is an independently readable sequel to Bron. In 2018 The Survivors saw the light of day: a novel in which the main characters are in possession of special powers.

In 2021, the poetry collection Salmiak was published, and in 2024 the short story collection Riks ratatouille followed: a collection of thrillers and surrealist stories and even a real Christmas tale.

2 August 2024

3 August 2024

4 August 2024


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